Sunday, January 30, 2011

Things that go bump in the night

It has been rather boring here weather wise. Elsie has been enjoying the calm days, though they are cold, with plenty of snow still on the ground. On our walks she likes to leap over some of the snow that is on the side of the road. On the other paw she will walk on it just fine.

Last night the wind picked up and the shingles on the roof started to flap. The other dogs are used to it, but not our youngster. She was ready to take on the intruder. After a little bark session it was back to sleep and her signature snore. Not very loud but there nonetheless. In the morning we woke up to a nice bit of snow which always makes for interesting walking. All of the dogs were sliding across the ice sheets that they forgot were there, now covered in the white stuff. The squalls came and went but it was never clear.

I took this photo this afternoon while it was snowing. Usually you can see Mono Lake from here. Times like this the basin is incredibly quiet. All you here is the occasional snow plow in the distance and the birds in the trees.

Elsie didn't have a rinse last night. My bad. It was late and I just couldn't see getting her wet before bed. So tonight I did it early, before their dinner. I usually have to put a collar on Elsie to get her into the bathroom for her rinse. Tonight, to my surprise, as I came out with a collar, she trotted into the bathroom and when asked, jumped right into the tub. She wasn't wagging her tail but seemed to say that she just wanted to get it over with. Her skin is looking much better. The inflammation and redness is greatly reduced. As a bonus she smells much better afterwards. The healing of her body progresses as does her spirit.

Good night and Namaste from Elsie.

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